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Well, it appears the summer is over, boo! This month, we posted 13 stupid things people say to you when you have diabetes – and it was an astounding success, liked and shared over 5,000 times! We related to stereotypical lines such as ‘Did you eat too much sugar?’.

Trending news this month was unfortunately quite sad. News included the ex-soldier with diabetes who sadly passed away after having his benefits cut and the mother who passed away due to undiagnosed diabetes. This goes to show how awareness for diabetes is paramount, and we’re working on a huge awareness campaign to highlight not only what diabetes is, but the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
August's hottest news story: Implanted islet cells for T1 gets approval for human trials

Top 3 Most Discussed on the Diabetes Forum
Young woman dies of DKA Improve your HbA1c in 3 mins Won't be going to Costa again!
Our Facebook users were shocked to hear about the death of a young woman who died of DKA after recently giving birth because her type 1 diabetes was left undiagnosed and was given iron tablets from her doctor to help her tiredness and weight loss. I'm cheating a bit as I've already started and I think my blood sugars are improving; I've certainly noticed that my night time levels have markedly flattened out. I went to bed last night with a 6.4 and woke up this morning with a 6.3 for instance. I thought I was being good by choosing their red berry cooler, instead of the strawberries and cream or any of the frappuccinos laced with UHT milk and artificial cream. 2 hours later my bs are 12.4! My late lunch when I got back consisted of cheese, celery, a bowl of strawberries and...
Your misdiagnosis stories
Have you tried this?
Has this happened to you before?
This Month's Trending Threads on the Diabetes Forum
The threads that have been trending:
Managing the Bernstein eating plan
Anyone else who's doing the strictish Bernstein eating plan, can I ask how you break up your carb targets through the day?
How do you discipline yourself?
Low carbing (about 100g a day) really, really works for me, it makes day to day life easier and me happier! But I regularly fall off the wagon, in style, and struggle to get back on track.
Insulin need is getting more and more am concerned!
In total I take 36 units of Lantus a day. All of a sudden my need for insulin has increased, I am now on 15 units with each meal and 2 hours after meal I am still 16-18. I don't know what's causing it or what to do, seems a really high figure and am getting worried.
High all day
Have injected plenty of times possibly around 7 / 8. Times. Feel like giving up and going to bed. Anyone else get high days like this??!
Flying with a pump
So I'm off on holiday in august, just thought I'd ask what's the situation concerning flying with a pump? Do I have to notify BA? I already have the letter from my DSN...
Time to BBQ!
The summer may be ending but the sunshine isn’t over yet. As it's set to heat up again next week, it's time to bring out the BBQ!

Our tasty (and free!) cookbook has delicious low carb grilled goodies for you and your family to try.
Download yours now >>
Forum App
Trending this Month   Questions of the Month
13 stupid things people say to you when you have diabetes
Hey we’re not expecting people to be diabetes experts but sometimes they really take the biscuit! Have you heard any of these before?

Doctors could face harsher sanctions for their mistakes
Do you think a doctor should face harsher punishment for their mistakes such as misdiagnosing diabetes or failure to pick it up at all?

  What's being asked:
Breakfast when low carb
I have been reading a lot of threads about Low Carb diets.

Usually I would have toast or porridge for breakfast but of course these are carbs.

What kind of things do other people eat for breakfast? Thanks for the help
What do you have for breakfast?
BG meters
Does anyone have experience with comparing BG meters for accuracy? ... Contour XT 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6 ... Nano 5.6, 6.2, 6.0. I'm not asking to be perfectionist about this. But is there any experience about which meters are good, and whether the SD Codefree is reliable?
What are your experiences with meters?
Want to ask a question? Ask it here >>
Success Story of the Month   The Forum Team
"First test results since diagnosis"

This month's success story comes from forum regular Sanguine, who after a surprising diagnosis in March this year has made some huge changes to his lifestyle with plenty of help and support along the way from our community...

“Yesterday I had the first blood tests done since my diagnosis in late March. Just been to collect the results, a little apprehensive as I suppose we all are (what if it hasn't worked?) and too impatient to wait for the GP to tell me.

To all you new and recently diagnosed T2s, you can make a difference with a bit of discipline and application. If I can do it so can you!”

Read the whole story here. Share your success story and help inspire, encourage and motivate over 115,000 other people on the Diabetes Forum.
  Putting faces to the names:
This month, Giverny has been mostly drinking Pepsi Max. Today, she was kicked in the face with a football (accidentally!) and so isn’t feeling too good at the moment. Giv is also working on the Shop Catalogue with James which should be out soon.
Ben has been busy this month, writing content on lesser-known diabetes related topics which will be featured in next week’s newsletters – so keep your eyes peeled! Ben has also been busy reviewing the latest blood glucose meters which have just been posted on our Facebook page.
This month has been really exciting. The Forum reached a milestone of 115,000 members. Not only that, but TV’s Dr Hilary Jones is working with us to highlight the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. We’ll be posting new videos up on that very soon!

We have 27 new YouTube videos, focusing on topics such as dating with diabetes, bullying and embarrassing conditions such as thrush and constipation. It looks like the good weather has most certainly disappeared… did someone mention Christmas?
See you in September!
Giv and Ben - the Diabetes Forum Team

PS. Want to keep up with the forum on the go? No problem, just download the Forum App (available on both iOS + Android devices)!

Oh and don't forget to download our new diabetes management app, DiabetesPA available for your iOS device. Android version coming this Autumn!
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