All people with diabetes should undergo a diabetes care review at least once annually. Your diabetic review will allow your doctors to monitor your health.

They will also use your annual review to assess aspects such as your long term blood glucose control , cholesterol levels and blood pressure

Some people, such as those newly diagnosed, children , or those with complications present may have a diabetic review more often than annually.

At your annual diabetic review

At your annual diabetes care review the doctor or nurse will:

  • Take your height and weight (to check if you are under or overweight)
  • Take your blood pressure
  • Review your blood glucose control
  • Review your HbA1c and cholesterol levels
  • Discuss any issues you have with your diabetes or health in general
  • Advise any change in regimen, lifestyle or medication – including any side effects

People who take insulin should also have their injection or infusion sites checked.

You may also be asked whether you are suffering from depression or sexual dysfunction , as these tend to be more common in people with diabetes.

Your health results

It can be helpful to know what results you should be aiming for. For this reason we have put together a page to cover the targets you should be aiming for.

Eye and foot examinations

Diabetes retinopathy screening and having your feet examined are part of your annual review, however, you may need to book separate appointments for these depending on how your practice organises these.

Your general eyesight should be checked either at your annual review or as part of your retinopathy screening appointment.

For more information on retinopathy screening and foot examinations, see our diabetes health screening pages.

What will I need to bring/prepare?

You will usually need to book a blood test appointment about a couple of weeks prior to the annual review.

The blood test will be used to check your HbA1c result as well as your cholesterol. For the cholesterol test to be effective, you may need to fast before the blood test is taken

If you are on insulin, check whether you need to fast and if so, how you should prevent hypos from occurring.

  • If your blood test is a fasting one, set a reminder not to eat for 8 hours before the test

Ask you healthcare team if you have queries about fasting for the blood test.

  • A pen and something to note down your results and discussion on

Remember to bring a pen and either notepad or download and print out our diabetes annual review record sheet.

  • Your latest blood glucose results (if self testing)

This could be your blood glucose monitoring diary or a print out. Your doctor will often wish to view at least a month or two of results.

  • A urine sample

You should have been provided with a sample bottle at a previous appointment. If not you can pick one up beforehand. Some practices may enable you to provide a sample at the practice/clinic but it’s best not to assume this will be the case.

  • Keep your feet clean

It probably goes without saying but, if you are having your feet checked at your annual review, try to make sure your feet are clean.

  • Prepare a list of questions or topics to discuss

Do you have questions about your medication? Are you suffering any side effects? Would you like to discuss how to avoid hypos or ask why your blood sugars are high at a particular time of day. Your annual care review gives you the chance to discuss these areas.

Making the most of your diabetes care review

Your annual diabetes review is a great opportunity to ask about different aspects of your diabetes regime and control.

People with type 2 diabetes will also have the chance to ask about medications and people with type 1 have the chance to discuss going onto a different regimen, such as insulin pump therapy.

You can also discuss the possibility of taking an educational course such as:

Be sure to ask your doctor if anything they have said is unclear.

Do you understand why you are being advised to take a medication? Did your doctor explain the cholesterol results clearly enough?

If there’s anything you forgot to ask at your review, don’t be afraid to ask straight after; your doctor should be happy to help.

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